Scat porn gay literature

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Jamie and Liz have fun in the park! part twoįiction, Anal, Female/Female, Lesbian, Scatology.«If you go down in the woods today, you’re sure of a big surprise! The Brown Blogger, Judy Bellingham, is back with more scatological adventures!»

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Until she meets Mike.»įiction, Anal, Ass to mouth, Bi-sexual, Blowjob, Coercion, Consensual Sex, Cum Swallowing, Mind Control, Scatology, Water Sports/Pissingįiction, Anal, Incest, Scatology, Water Sports/Pissingįantasm, Ass to mouth, Bestiality, Bi-sexual, Blowjob, Female exhibitionist, Female solo, Incest, Scatology, Voyeurism, Written by women «Dr Lilith is a sexual psychologist who normally doesn't let her work get to her.

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'I pretty much talk shit.'»įiction, Scatology, Water Sports/Pissing

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